Thursday, 15 March 2018

Daily Routine of Cleaning Services for Commercial Premises

Although each commercial establishment has its own characteristics, the daily routine is usually very similar when we find stores, small businesses and shops. The main steps that are carried out during the cleaning of commercial premises are:

  • Ventilation: it is often forgotten that it is highly recommended to ventilate the premises before they begin to clean. The longer we have the windows and doors open in the premises, the better because we can renew the air of the environment well.
  • Floors: after having ventilated the entire room, the floors must be cleaned. Depending on each type of soil, one technique or another will be used. If for example the floor is tile, it can be cleaned with mops, cloths and brushes. If there are carpets you should use industrial vacuum cleaner for a better result. This can be done by sofa cleaning Bangalore services
  • Emptying the bins: it is important to remove any waste and not accumulate in the premises.
  • Cleaning of the dust: the decorative elements, the counters, the lamps, the shelves, the drawers etc are places that attract the attention of the clients very easily.
  • Window cleaning: the windows are an important part of the commercial premises. They are the hallmark of a business and can make customers to enter a business premises or just the opposite, they never get to pass the entrance door because they are dirty shop windows.
  • Bathrooms: the bathrooms also have to be cleaned very frequently even if they are not intended for the use of clients.
  • Ceilings: ceilings must always be clean, since if dirt accumulates in they, allergies and infections may occur. It is convenient to clean them at least once a month to keep them in good condition.
  • Walls: the walls must also be cleaned very frequently to avoid the appearance of stains that cannot be removed afterwards, except by painting. 

So hire office chair cleaning services Bangalore for best results.

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Sanitair Services
No.428, 1st Main, 14th 'A' Cross
Pai Layout
K.R Puram
Phone: 080 - 4204 4949
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